Bridget Saffold, a registered nurse and Superhero in the fight against diabetes, is working hard to care for diabetic patients both close to home in Iowa and across the country. With her first grant from The Pollination Project, Bridget hosted the Cedar Valley Focus on Diabetes which has become the largest healthcare education event in her region.
As hospitals and clinics restricted access to routine screenings during the Covid-19 pandemic, Bridget once again stepped up and created a program that helped the lives of many people, the Focus on Diabetes Covid-19 Assist Initiative. With support from The Pollination Project’s Resilience and Recovery fund, Bridget and her team were able to serve the diabetic community in a challenging time.
“The gap that we fill in patient care is as essential as the support that the Pollination Project gives to individuals and other grassroots organizers like me,” says Bridget.
The Pollination Project is proud to have been a cornerstone in the amazing work Bridget shares with us in this inspiring and heart-warming video.