Grant Advisors

The Heart of The Pollination Project

Our recruitment window has closed for this year’s Advisor team. If you would still like to apply, we will keep your application on file for when our Advisor recruitment opens again next year. Thank you for your interest in serving as a TPP Advisor!

Changing the world by revolutionizing philanthropy.

At The Pollination Project, we know that when a heart-centered team comes together to support individuals with transformative ideas, it creates a community that has the power to revolutionize philanthropy and change the world. That’s why we are actively seeking compassionate individuals for a very special opportunity.

In order to assure that our grant-making is a truly inclusive and equitable process, we’ve created a  community of grant advisors who decide which grassroots projects receive seed funding. Now, we are looking to expand our team.

Are you our next advisor?

Who are our Grant Advisors?

Grant advisors have direct experience, knowledge, or passion in their field that relates to one of our advisor panel focus areas, which are:

  • Animal Rights & Welfare
  • Education & Access to Opportunity
  • Environmental Conservation & Regeneration
  • Health & Wholeness
  • Human Rights & Dignity
  • Artistic Expression & Creative Communities
  • Empowerment of Women & Girls

They are excited about new projects and about sharing their knowledge in order to help us come up with the most well-rounded decisions on every application. They take the time to review applications and provide their feedback and recommendations on each application they review.                                                                                                                                     

Grant advisors are people who are genuinely interested in making the best, well informed, decision for our applicants and for The Pollination Project as a whole. Grant advisors are people who, like us, understand the power of a $1000 seed grant.

Click here for some examples on what $1000 can do.

A Grant Advisor is someone who…

  • Has special experience, knowledge, or passion to share.
  • Wants to share their unique skills and expertise to serve a vibrant community of grassroots change-makers spanning over 116 countries.
  • Has an open heart and mind that is willing to take a risk and believe in another’s potential.
  • Feels excited to give thoughtful attention to project ideas that create true possibility.
  • Is committed to providing insight and guidance in support of projects that serve communities.
  • Believes that true joy is found in giving to others.

The perks of being a Grant Advisor are…

  • A front row seat for projects and ideas that are bubbling up from activists and emerging leaders all over the world.
  • The opportunity to be a philanthropist, helping to direct resources to those people and projects that speak to you.
  • An impressive designation for those who want to build their resume.
  • The opportunity to meet and collaborate with other awesome people in your area of expertise and interest.
  • Karma kickbacks! As a highly values-driven organization, you will be exercising and stretching your compassion and generosity muscles as you participate with us. Our goal is that you get back more than you give.
  • Flow Funds. We offer a $1K flow fund to advisors who complete 75% of the reviews assigned to them over the course of 10 months, and participate in at least 3 docket calls during their time with us. This means that The Pollination Project will make a grant of $1K to any qualified person and project that the Advisor designates.

In this role, you have the ability to make a lasting impact on the lives of our changemakers and their communities. Your talents will be celebrated and utilized in a way that allows you to enjoy giving to others. You will be invited to share, learn and grow with us. We believe in putting in the hard work to support others… but we do it with a whole lot of joy, humor, compassion, thoughtfulness and love.

About Compassion Consciousness

We fund projects in all geographic and issue areas, including animal rights. We are a vegan organization and will not support any projects that inflict harm on animals in any way – and we love to support projects that create a kinder, more compassionate world for all. Many of our advisors are vegan or vegetarian, but it is not a requirement. That said, it is important that our advisors are able to embrace a compassion mindset.

To that end, we ask all potential advisors to watch this video in order to fully understand why this is such an important piece for us. The implications of the animal consumption system reach far beyond meat consumption – and touch all issues – from peace to the environment, climate change, social and environmental justice and public health.

Reviewing the Applications

The total time commitment for grantmaking advisors is generally no more than 5 hours in a month. Each advisor will join a grantmaking team comprised of issue area experts in a particular topic or set of issues. As we receive applications that have been preliminarily prescreened by our volunteer team, they are assigned to individual advisors fro review. Generally, advisors are asked to review approximately 10 applications each month. Depending on how detailed the advisor wants to get, 10 applications could take between 1-3 hours to review and score. Advisors can review applications anytime before the beginning of the last full week of each month. At that time, the applications are then sent to the TPP staff team for final approval and review.                                                                                                                

Docket Meetings

Once a month or once every 6 weeks, we will meet via phone or Skype to discuss some of our decisions. There are several applications that might have conflicting feedback from our grantmaking team, and these conversations are a way to resolve it while learning from each other. During these calls (which will last no longer than an hour) we will discuss undecided applications and make final decisions. We ask that you participate in at least 50% of the scheduled calls during your time commitment with us.

Time Commitment

To summarize, the total time commitment is around 5 hours a month. We ask advisors for a 10 month commitment (if you need to take a break during this time – that is fine – but advance notice is needed.) We also understand that you might not be able to review every docket or attend every call, but your participation and commitment is appreciated.                                                                                                                


“In 2016, I was a PhD student at National Louis University in Chicago, IL. My degree was preparing me to become a Community Psychologist, and I wanted to do so many things with my experiences. That same year, I applied and received my first grant for my project, My College Going Self, from The Pollination Project. I was so excited, and even more overjoyed when I received a notification in 2017, to become a grant reviewer. I thought: They are asking me to review grants. I was excited but nervous, and even with those mixed emotions, I still gave it a try. I enjoy my work with The Pollination Project as a grant reviewer because of the work that The Pollination Project does all over the world. I never imagined that I would review a grant for a program in Ghana, or Nigeria, and learn about the amazing things that are happening in places I have yet to visit. Furthermore, it allows me to think, and to think about the needs of others outside the big city of Chicago where I live. I also say The Pollination Project believed in me, so I in return, believe in the work that others are doing as well. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity!”

Shenika S. Jackson, PhD

“I feel inspired every time I read a TPP grant application. It is just so wonderful to read about all of the amazing work that people around the world are doing to bring about positive change. As an advisor, I get to read about projects ranging from animal health and welfare to innovative literacy programs. I am honored to be a part of such a meaningful process.”

Sophia Hanson

So, what do you say?

Are you ready to join our community?

Fill out an application. Tell us about yourself – allow yourself to shine! We love it when people celebrate the things that make them amazing.

Together, let’s make the world a better, more compassionate place.