Clement Awanfe Ngueto

by | Mar 15, 2003 | Grant Advisors

Clement is the Founder-President of Global Compassion, a non-profit based organization in Douala, Cameroon. Global Compassion has worked with an international and local team of volunteers/interns (including visitors from UK, Cameroon and USA) to create and develop projects that will help the Santchou community to be self-sufficient in the near future (Potable water project, Computer lab center, empowering rural women and peace education for youth). Global Compassion received a Pollination Project grant in early 2015.

Clement’s passion is to contribute his skills and experience to community initiatives, and to grow small businesses managed by women and youth in rural areas. His aim is to transform rural communities by putting youth and women in the center of social development using small financial resources to create big impact on the ground.
Clement is an independent consultant at Top Tier Liaison and Conflict Resolution Services LLC in Arizona, USA; the President of Mabé Youth Association since 2015; and a consultant for project development in Nlate Ban San-Nzock cultural association in Santchou.

Additionally, Clement has experience in peacebuilding (conflict management and negotiation) through distance learning with USIP (, the University of Amsterdam through a scholarship from the European Commission, and the North South Centre for The Council of Europe. He is also among the 100 youth fellows selected for an interfaith co-existence, intercultural and peacebuilding program called “A Common Word Among the Youth” that includes several trainings and conferences in Africa, Europe and America.


Our grantees Manjushree Abhinav and Aanchal Raturi won the Swarnali Roy Vegan Advocacy Awards 2024 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 

Manjushree received a grant for her project "My planet and my plate", inspiring students to become climate activists themselves, to plant the seed of change into the hearts and minds of students, hoping that these seeds will sprout into far-reaching effects. 

Aanchal founded Project Re-Learn, conducting workshops in Uttaranchal colleges to sensitize future agriculturists about ethical practices. 

Join us in congratulating these two incredible heartivists! 🧡 


#animalrights #animalwelfare #vegan #plantbased #veganlifestyle #nocruelty #crueltyfree #heartivism #grants #animaladvocacy #india
🌟 Volunteer Week 🌟  Celebrating our family of Grant Advisors!

Today we celebrate our grant advisors dedicated to #animalprotection .

🔸 April King (Montenegro/United States) 
🔸 Elphas Ongongo (Kenya) 
🔸 Mohini Sharma (India) 
🔸 Evans Okumu (Kenya) 
🔸 Fernanda García Naranjo Ortega (Mexico)
🔸 Leandro Franz (Brazil) 
🔸 Jeremy Gregory (United States)
🔸 Kate Luke (Australia)
🔸 Andrew Alexander (United States) 


#animalrights  #animalwelfare  #heartivism  #grants  #animaladvocacy #advisors
During Volunteers' Week, we at The Pollination Project express our deepest gratitude to the extraordinary individuals who form the backbone of our organization. 

Our dedicated volunteers, from the grant advisors who meticulously select the projects we fund, to the grantees whose community service initiatives are brought to life by volunteer effort, embody a spirit of service that is truly inspiring. The commitment, passion, and tireless dedication of these volunteers fuel every aspect of our work, enabling us to make a meaningful impact in communities around the world. 

Thank you for your invaluable contribution and for proving that together, we can be a powerful force for positive change. ⭐ 

#volunteerweek #gratitude #volunteers #positivechange #service #commitment #heartivism #grantmaking #philanthropy