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The stories behind the grants

Helping Pollinators in New Hampshire

Helping Pollinators in New Hampshire

99.9% of the western population of monarch butterflies has declined from the 1980s to 2021, IUCN. “We have to take care of all creatures, even the smallest ones. We have to take care of the world that was given to us,” Lorie Ball, New Hampshire State Representative...

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Rescuing Exotic Animals in New Jersey

Rescuing Exotic Animals in New Jersey

Illegal wildlife trade produces from 7 to 23 billion dollars worldwide every year, World Wildlife Trade Report. “Animals are a topic that society doesn't give a second thought about, and my mission is to change that,” Brittany Vanderstine, Founder of Wild Exotics...

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Working in Gran Canaria to Save Octopuses

Working in Gran Canaria to Save Octopuses

The consumption of aquatic foods grew from an average of 9.9 kg per person in the 1960s to 20.5 kg in 2019, FAO. “Eating animals is unnecessary and cruel. It creates a huge industry which is detrimental to the environment and people's health,” William Furney, Founder...

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Promoting Animal Law in Peru

Promoting Animal Law in Peru

In Peru, people consume 53.35 kilograms of meat per person annually, World Population Review.  “There is a lot of animal suffering in the world but people can't see it because of their lack of education about it. The first step in promoting animal law is education,” ...

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Can Veganism Prevent Cancer?

Can Veganism Prevent Cancer?

Over 1.9 million people are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in the USA in 2023, American Cancer Society.  “Statistically, logically, rationally and morally there is nothing more impactful than dedicating my life to veganism. There is nothing more impactful that...

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